Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Easy Chair Heaven

Yesterday was a good day with gold stars in both RL and VR. In the Openlife arena I made new easy chairs. These puppies have NINE ANIMATIONS -- that I made of course -- and NO pose balls. You click on the arms to cycle through the animations. I am patting myself on the back here as I am so proud I got the scripting worked out. Will wonders never cease?

They come in regular and tall sizes. I decided not to be sexist cause I've seen some gals that would definitely need the longer limbs version. Right now they come in four colors. Since I can't sell them anyway, I'm moving on to another arena.

Charlie promised to fit my boots for men that were lost in the great database melt down and then I plan to photograph them and get them in vendors AND storage. We can only do what we can do. Then, maybe jewelry or some work on the new store in the village called Nirvana. It's not even noon yet, so I'll see where the day takes me.

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