Sunday, January 18, 2009

Week in Review

Well it is only Monday but it seems like awhile I did this, so let's review.

Notes to Self:

  • The update while not great, wasn't as bad as it could have been; I did get a lot of tutorials done. The sim was working OK this afternoon. I didn't TP however.
  • People are using the tutorials and writing thank you notes.
  • Blog traffic is up .
  • I got to work on the biosphere and do some art.
  • I survived the onslought of attacks from the ****s and came away knowing that the best way to keep my happiness level up is to simply NOT to read any of their posts. That is working wonderfully and amazingly not difficult at all. And two plus months of attacks is enough.
  • My friends list of people I actually AM friends with is growing.
  • And the soap opera that is Openlife is definitely entertaining -- sometimes in a comedy of absurdness.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sam...your art is beautiful. You may be interested in this posting I found:

Aviana is having a art gallery and thought you may be interested :)