Saturday, January 3, 2009

Waterfalls and Fireflies

It was a long day on the frontier with textures disappearing and reappearing and way too many caches cleared, gray bodies, missing prims and the like. I did finally get back into my OLD clothes (I really was going to change today, but the asset server had different ideas).

AND I made a lovely waterfall environment. It isn't quite done, but almost. This is a photo taken at night with the glow of the waterlily lamps floating on the water and the fireflies in evidence. It's very peaceful and that is how I wanted to end my day.

It is so fun to look at this and look at my waterfall environment from two years ago. I was SO excited making it and it was very nice for the times, and I sold tons of them. This one, however is leaps and bounds ahead of it. It's nice to know we really do improve.

Tomorrow is my two month anniversary in Fantastic. Yeah!

PS. Note to myself. Make a sign for the shops explaining there really is no money yet and hence the things are not available for purchase. A lot of folks seem to thing that "I" am just not ready (wink). I'm pretty sure I will be when the time comes.

Until then, waterfalls work.

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