Saturday, January 17, 2009

Weekends and Dreams

I finally got back into Fantastic this morning via Openlife Island. Server has been replaced it seems but scripts are down. So I hope to do a tutorial on the sandbox. We'll see how that works.

Happily it is a new day after a great night of dreams that included a cute and charming guy, French pastries and gardens. It doesn't get much better than that. The Universe can be very thoughtful at times.

Thanks to all the folks that sent IMs and PMs about the latest forum attacks -- and those that actually wrote to the forum too of course :D. I'm simply not reading posts by the triad. That solves things for me. I do appreciate your kind thoughts however. No need to stew about it all. I am not.

Onward with the day. Go forth and create!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just read the thread.

Remember what my dear old grammy said. She would look at me with her good eye, set down that dusty old bible and say "F*** 'em!". That has gotten me pretty far in many instances. :)