Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Building Tutorials

I'll be posting building tutorials from time to time during 2009. I made the first and most basic one today while the OLG went through major update. True, it was NOT Made On the OLG, but I suspect the budding builders will forgive me. It was photographed on Phil's beta grid where it is often so calm and peaceful.

I made a new blog for the tutorials as I am guessing many of you wouldn't care about them at all and shouldn't have to scroll through them to get to what you did want to read. So I will post the links here and they will link to the tutorial site. I think that should work well.

I'll be reposting this again tomorrow so that it will show up in 2009, but since I made it this eve, I figured for history's sake, I'd put this up now.

Building 101: Photo Frame

Happy New Year!!!

1 comment:

Mforiero said...

I really love your tutorials and posts for the Open Sims.....

I started an OpenSim life, too some weeks ago......

I suggest you to have a look at Koinup, they have opened a channel devoted to OpenSims....maybe you can share also there some of your pics: