Monday, December 1, 2008

Adding the Details

So while things were a bit stressful today at Phil's, all went swimmingly in OL - yeah! I added three more shops (one a new design that opens onto the walkway to eku's) and I have only one more to go.

Now the REAL fun starts -- adding the details.

It doesn't escape me that my neighbors are building UP. The temple next door promises to be grand and definitely tall. Osiris has started what looks like a new spaceship (shiny and new) right next door. And I am all about small and the details.

So I made a coffee cart today complete with name and decals -- even on the cups. Matching napkins and international newspapers add a sense of reality. I have stools with NO POSE balls. True, they only do the basic "sit", but as scripts are VERY problematic at my sim for whatever reason -- simple is better (thanks Gitfinger).

I have coffee swirling in the cup but only saw STEAM for a second and then the texture disappeared into the ugly gray abyss. So I decided to forgo the steam and go for decals instead. Ya just gotta work with what works.

One more building on the end will make 13 so I guess I'll figure out an apartment upstairs building to make 14 in all.

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