Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Meet Samara

This is Samara. Some of you may already know her, and others of you may get a chance to meet her soon. While I had no intention to have BOTH Sam and Samara in Openlife when I joined, the idea is growing on me. I am wondering just how different they are -- and I suspect that there actually ARE a few differences.

Sam didn't have a lot of time in OL today but she did manage to get some new animations made and inserted into the daybed.
BUILDING HINT: She also figured out that the sit scripts without pose balls that include rotations seem MUCH harder on the sim than the one she adjusted from Mac's code (without rotation). Part of Fantastic's "mission statement" will concern low impact living on the OLG which means -- to me -- that if a script is obviously problematic, it get's tossed. I would rather have the sim up and running (and it has been consistantly for over a week - yeah ) than have all the bells and whistles of Phil's.
SAMARA took over the computer looking for a new 512 lot for her soon to be "minimal" life at Phil's. She is vacating her old digs and moving away and onward in most respects, but will keep her free land for herself and her homeless buddies.

Expect to see her soon with her twin on the OLG. This should be fun.

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