Sunday, November 23, 2008

Free Artist Spaces

I posted this on the OLX classifieds so thought I should post here too.


So this is a bit premature also, but the building is finished. As soon as groups are active, I have a very large gallery area available at Fantastic.

These spaces (I have them quite large at the moment but people could share or I can divide as needed) are available for free for a month. If the space works for you after that, you may rent at a nominal fee or vacate and let another artist have the space.

You can see the building in Fantastic. It is the largest building there at the moment and is in the North East corner. There is a sign that says "Art Experience" on the outside. I want this to remain a consistent looking space so no wall color changes etc. It is all pretty much light gray at the moment which should work for everyone.

There are a couple of rules (well you KNEW there would be). All work needs to be original and YOURS of course. All work needs to be made IN WORLD (not imported). Take advantage of what the OLG can offer and make something grand. Sculptures are certainly welcome. 2D art MUST be of your own creation. While photography (your own uploaded as textures and placed "in frames") is welcome, I need to see some providence. So your RL web page or blog with art, etc. or some other proof. Sorry but it's just too easy to cheat here and while I would like to believe we are all up front and honest -- I know that isn't the case. Scripts need to be kept at a bare minimum (texture rotation OK) to keep the sim stable. Think FORM over FUNCTION for now (wink). That can change as stability changes.


I am hoping that this can become a place for newish people coming into OL -- or coming over. That works too. So while it is perfectly OK to have this as an additional space now, if you already have a spot in OL. I "may" -- down the road -- change that rule.

I have no major plans for this space except that it will hopefully be an art area. That needs ARTISTS of course. I plan to put a few things at the entrance as well as some furniture and such. So it would be a good place to have opening etc should the artist wish. It can just evolve as time goes on.

No prim limitations really but I am thinking that 500 should be plenty per person. If you can't say what you need to say in that many prims ..... well, we'll see.

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