Thursday, November 13, 2008

Made on the OLG logos

Here are some possible logos - flags etc. for the Made on the OLG movement - LOL

I made them as pngs as that works for both web and in world. I made them orange to go with the new R 16 viewer colors. And they stand out. Click the images to get the correct sizes shown under the logos. Blogger automatically makes pics smaller.

EDIT: Newest versions up top. I made them active with no white background edges so Mortus has less work. As it turns out, transparent pngs are much less "weighty" than transparent TGAs. A good thing to know. Yeah!

On transparent background

128 x 128

512 x 512

512 x 256

You can get copies of this orange logo without the white background edge from Mortus HERE. Thanks :D

This is an active file with TRANSPARENT background.
Gray here only so you can see the white text :D

Use it on your store logos, signs or whatever.

this thread on the official forum.


Mortus Allen said...

Create work Sam!

Samara Kasshiki said...

I hope you meant GREAT work. I have plenty. Don't need to "create" more (big wink).